Crack eggs into a bowl, add soy sauce and whisk until well-mixed. Pour egg mixture into the frying pan. Break up the eggs by lightly stir-frying it. Cook until eggs are slightly browned on the outside. Remove eggs from the pan and set aside.
Dice red onions, Thai chili peppers and spring onions. Cut franks into coin slices.
In a medium frying pan, pour 2 tbsp of vegetable oil. Heat over medium-high heat. Place franks into the pan and stir-fry until lightly browned. Add red onions, Thai chili peppers and spring onions into the pan. Stir-fry until onions are fragrant and translucent.
Place cooked white rice into the pan. Break any rice clump and add chicken powder. Stir fry for at least 7-9 minutes to lightly caramelize rice and spices to permeate.
Add kecap manis and soy sauce, stir-fry until well-mixed.
Transfer previously cooked eggs to fried rice and stir-fry well.
Serve fried rice on a plate with cucumbers and garnish with fried shallots (optional).
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